
Kinyu-joshi community

It was launched on March 3, 2016 with the mission “Liberation Toward a Future Worthy of Me: Living Freely and True-to-Life.” It’s a community for “women who don’t get finance,” mainly in their 20s and 30s. It provides a place where women can think about finance in a broad sense, from the familiar household economy to the world economy. Each week, we organize women-only gatherings in Kabuto-cho and Kayaba-cho, the birthplaces of banks and the central districts of the Japanese economy, helping to energize these neighborhoods. With the aim of spreading information and awareness, our policy is to not promote any particular products or services, but to maintain a position neutral vis-à-vis all financial institutions. We aim to create a world where women can enjoy making decisions in their daily lives by having their own focal points, freeing them from the vague worries and uncertainties they have about investments, asset management FinTech, and other aspects of finance. Our mission accords with the goal “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).